On the morning of Juneteenth, I published a “Sorry, we’re closed” post on my old blog, shutting the doors on the website forever.
My intent was to make a clean and obvious break between that blog and this one. Even though I doubted anyone would actually read it or even make that connection. I was doing it for myself.
But I had no idea so many people still subscribed to the RSS feed there. I hadn’t posted anything new in almost two years. Now those are dedicated and hopeful readers.
Just minutes after that post appeared in the feed, I started getting questions and comments about it on Mastodon. People wanted to know what was going on. The post hinted that I would be writing elsewhere. They wanted to know where.
Apparently my responses that I would announce something soon was not satisfying so they started guessing. Even making up other possible post-blog adventures for me. Some of which were quite amusing. And touching.
So, why am I writing here and not there?
Because the old website is chock full o’ deadname. And I don’t need to see that constantly. It’s also not who I am anymore.
This is the curse of being transgender. Getting everyone else to move past who you were. Non-trans people have no idea how important it is for us to be called by our new names. Our true names. And that’s only part of our curse.
Anyway, the old site with the old name will remain online for now. There are a lot of links to it from folks who noticed and even liked the content. And I’m loathe to break connections even though all of it should be available within the Internet Archive.
I may wind up re-publishing some of those posts here. I don’t know whether that’s a good idea or not. What do you think?
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