Author: lisa

  • Groundhog Day

    This isn’t about the movie. And it’s neither romantic nor a comedy. If only. Exactly one week after admitting to myself that I’m transgender, I worked up the courage to tell someone else. I came out to my wife on February 2, 2023. Yes, on Groundhog Day. For all the joy in finally being my…

  • One year of Mastodon

    I knew about Mastodon in a vague way a year ago. But it wasn’t until Space Karen laid off half the staff at Twitter on November 3, 2022—when we all realized that the blue bird was indeed circling the drain—that I got serious about riding the pachyderm. I created my first account on the Fediverse…

  • Gender affirmation at the DMV

    This morning I had to renew my driver’s license at the California Department of Motor Vehicles, a problematic task because I haven’t legally changed my name or gender yet. This is not because I haven’t wanted to change those for months, but I’m going through a divorce. And my lawyer told me to wait while…

  • Memories of Steve

    Originally published elsewhere on Thursday, April 10, 2014. I have no plans to watch that new movie about Steve Jobs. As I have no plans to read Walter Isaacson’s biography of him. It’s not because I think those efforts are somehow not worthy of his memory. It’s just that I have my own recollections of…

  • How I boost toots

    On the Mastodon social network, a post or comment is whimsically called a “toot,” and re-posting or re-blogging them is “boosting.” I’m known there for boosting toots. In fact, that’s why a lot of people follow me. They want a curated feed. And I provide it for them. For free. My business plan needs more…

  • Back to WordPress

    You might have noticed this website is published using WordPress. Or maybe you didn’t. In the end, do you really care? I’ve used WordPress in the past for at least two other blogs. But a static site generator the last time I wreaked havoc on the Internet. So, why go back to WordPress now? Well,…

  • Regarding the old blog

    On the morning of Juneteenth, I published a “Sorry, we’re closed” post on my old blog, shutting the doors on the website forever. My intent was to make a clean and obvious break between that blog and this one. Even though I doubted anyone would actually read it or even make that connection. I was…

  • The reaction from Mastodon

    Revealing my gender identity on Mastodon turned out to be quite the event. I really should have saved the title “My coming out party” for this post. On Thursday morning last week, I began migrating my old Mastodon account to a new server with a new username. When that process completed, I published a series…

  • My coming out party

    I came out as transgender to my wife on February 2, Groundhog Day, because I possess a fine sense of irony. I spoke to her indoors so I didn’t see my shadow, thus ensuring I wouldn’t retreat into any other obscurity. My first therapy appointment was the next day and pretty much confirmed my gender…

  • Welcome

    Yes, I’m starting another weblog. But for a good reason this time. My name differs now. As does my perspective. Expect me writing about a variety of topics here—in tones both serious and silly. And rather than just recounting the past at former employers, as I did before, I’ll document my life going forward. A…