My coming out party

I came out as transgender to my wife on February 2, Groundhog Day, because I possess a fine sense of irony. I spoke to her indoors so I didn’t see my shadow, thus ensuring I wouldn’t retreat into any other obscurity.

My first therapy appointment was the next day and pretty much confirmed my gender dysphoria. At the end, my therapist delicately asked if I would be comfortable attending the next session dressed as female. Hopefully, my enthusiasm didn’t disturb her. It seems I had no fear of looking, sounding and acting like a woman.

This was the start of my personal Spring, and a slow-rolling, meandering, organic and not-really-planned coming out party.

After shocking my family, I found that telling anyone else was surprisingly easy. “My name is Elizabeth but please call me Lisa. I’m transgender,” became a sort of re-introductory greeting to close friends, neighbors, doctors and other victims. All delivered in a femme voice while wearing femme clothing.

Not that my party was entirely in person to show off my stylish wardrobe. Some conversations were over the phone, on Discord, on Skype and group outings on Slack. I’m a very connected girl.

And I never felt embarrassed during any of these. Instead, they were all liberating.

While some in my family struggled with the revelation, everyone else seemed to be delighted and supportive. Each encounter was a truly gender affirming experience. It became an easy way to get a dopamine hit. A drug like no other.

Now that I’m out to everyone, I suppose I’ll have to go on the wagon.

Still, not everything was easy. And even though the initial conversation with my wife was difficult and awkward, coming out to myself a week earlier was even harder. But that’s a story for another time.



11 responses to “My coming out party”

  1. GoNancyGo Avatar

    @lisa Hi Lisa, hope you feel all the good feels Mastodon is sending.

    1. lisa Avatar

      I am feeling all the good feels. 🫂 And thank you so much! 😊🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to reply. 🤦‍♀️)

  2. Lux Luz Avatar

    @lisa Glad to hear you're transitioning with no major difficulties.I'm curious tho, how's your ex-wife doing? Did you have children with her? I can only imagine how tough it must have been for her…

    1. lisa Avatar

      Thanks. 💖 But there have been major difficulties. I just haven’t written about them yet. Or my family. But I might later. Stay tuned.

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to reply. 🤦‍♀️)

  3. Claire Avatar

    Ah yes Groundhog Day is so very true. Pleased to meet you.

    1. lisa Avatar

      Isn’t it? 😊 Pleased to meet you as well! 👋🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to reply. 🤦‍♀️)

  4. Jeff Barbose Avatar
    Jeff Barbose

    Congratulations on being yourself. I came out as gay back in the early 90s. AIDS was a scary unknown just as I was starting college in 1982. It was super scary and I’m certain every aspect of my mental and physical well-being suffered because of it. That said, I feel like you’re coming out — to yourself, especially — would asymptotically scarier.

    I’m so happy for you to have done it!

    1. lisa Avatar

      Congratulations on coming out so long ago! That’s awesome. And, yeah, being yourself TO yourself is very scary at first. But I am happy now, so thank you! 😊🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to reply. 🤦‍♀️)

  5. Akshay Avatar

    Congratulations on starting the journey! 🙂🏳️‍⚧️💪🏾

    1. lisa Avatar

      Thank you so much and what a great combination of emojis! 😊🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to reply. 🤦‍♀️)

  6. Dave Muth Avatar
    Dave Muth

    🫂 🫂 (I thought that emoji was a toaster with a warm blue heart popping up, until I saw your version here.) Thank you for sharing your feelings, and your stories.

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