
Yes, I’m starting another weblog. But for a good reason this time. My name differs now. As does my perspective.

Expect me writing about a variety of topics here—in tones both serious and silly.

And rather than just recounting the past at former employers, as I did before, I’ll document my life going forward. A different kind of biographical journey this time.

Why do this here? Isn’t microblogging elsewhere good enough for me?

No, because that’s someone else’s sandbox with its own rules and dubious permanence. I want to own what I create and decide how long it exists. Plus, I don’t want limits on length or format.

Sure, I’ll post small observations and links to things I find interesting or amusing. But longer essays will also be published. Maybe even some fiction. Who knows.

Anyway, you’re invited to read along.



14 responses to “Welcome”

  1. ndreas Avatar

    I like this initiative. More people should start blogging again.

    1. lisa Avatar

      Thanks! Yes, please start again and let me know where you’re blogging. 😊🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to reply. 🤦‍♀️)

  2. Shawn King Avatar

    @lisa @lisamelton 🤗, ❤️, and support (there’s no support emoji)!

    1. lisa Avatar

      Remember our conversation from the other day? I just figured out that I can reply to comments on my blog using WordPress and they’re automatically reflected back into Mastodon. 🤦‍♀️🤣

      Anyway, thank you! Also, why isn’t there a support emoji? So unfair! 😊🥰💖

  3. Charles Ying Avatar
    Charles Ying


    1. lisa Avatar

      Thank you! 😊🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to acknowledge this. 🤦‍♀️)

  4. Ward Chanley Avatar

    I know it’s as cliche as it gets to say this feels like a new chapter for you, but… having come out a few times myself, and feeling like I needed to really start over, with a bunch of people, I really can’t wait to see what’s next for you. 🙂

    1. lisa Avatar

      Well, congratulations for being a pro at coming out! Seriously, that’s awesome. And I can’t wait to see what’s next. TBH, I hope it’s larger boobs. 🤣 Anyway, thank you! 😊🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to reply. 🤦‍♀️)

  5. Declan Avatar

    @lisa Just been catching up with my feed, and just to say a general *support* – and that I’m glad to still be following you Lisa. You are the once and future ‘all the good shit’ algorithm of masto.

    1. lisa Avatar

      Ooooh, thank you so much! That’s such an awesome way to be described. 😊🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to acknowledge this. 🤦‍♀️)

    1. lisa Avatar

      Thank you! 😊🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to acknowledge this. 🤦‍♀️)

  6. MikeG Avatar

    *support* and thanks for keeping an RSS feed – was worried when the old one disappeared.

    1. lisa Avatar

      Sorry about scaring you by discontinuing the old blog! I will always support RSS here. Count on it. And thank you for the support! 😊🥰💖

      (Also, sorry about taking so long to reply. 🤦‍♀️)

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